February 2023 CAG Meeting Notes
February 8 CAG meeting and other news
CAG General Meeting January 11, 2023
Trail Blazers of Portland’s Superfund January 11
Come and listen about the early days of the harbor clean-up, the obstacles and victories, and how they brought the community together to demand a cleaner, safer river and harbor for Portland and the region.
Portland Harbor CAG Meeting November 9, 2022
Portland Harbor Collaborative Update
Meeting November 9 and Check out the New EJ Screening Tool
City of Portland now accepting applications for the Portland Harbor Community Grants 2023 funding cycle!
Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group Meeting October 12, 2022
Submit your Recreational Input to the Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council
the Trustee Council has created a short recreation input form (it should take no more than 5 minutes to complete)!