In anticipation of future settlement funds becoming available for restoration, the Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council (Trustee Council) is accepting proposals for ecological restoration projects within the Portland Harbor Superfund Study Area and Broader Focus Area. In the Portland Harbor Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Restoration Plan (Final PEIS/RP), the Trustee Council explains that when settlement funds become available, the Trustee Council will evaluate options for converting those funds to ecological benefits. Options include:
1) Trustee Council-led restoration project implementation 2) Partnering with non-Trustee Council entities who are implementing restoration3) Purchasing credits from restoration banks.
Using responses to this request for proposals, the Trustee Council intends to evaluate these three options to determine which type of restoration arrangement will best meet the goals and objectives identified in the Final PEIS/RP. Responses to the request for proposals are due March 2, 2020. Submission guidelines and further details can be found in the request for proposals, here: