The Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) is currently accepting public comments on a proposal to close Willamette Cove to boating and other river uses from mid-August through October 2020 to allow sediment and water samples to be collected. Please read below for more information:
- Why is there a State comment period on Willamette Cove? The Willamette Cove In-water Remedial Design Group (City of Portland, Oregon Department of State Lands, Port of Portland) are excited to start design work where they will determine how the approaches to address the contamination outlined in EPA’s cleanup plan for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, such as capping and dredging, will be used. This first phase requires sediment and water samples to be collected by boats on the water. To facilitate these cleanup efforts and minimize health and safety risks to the public and project personnel, the Oregon Department of State Lands is considering closing the area mid-August through October 31, 2020.
- When may I comment? The comment period is open June 8 through July 8. Comments must be received by July 8 to be considered.
- How may I comment? Written comments may be submitted to DSL’s Richard Fitzgerald by email at, or by mail at 775 Summer St. NE, Suite 100, Salem, Oregon 97301.
- More information:
- The June 8th, 2020 news release from the Oregon Department of State Lands
- A map of the proposed closure area