From the Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council:
The Trustee Council has developed a Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment to evaluate and select one of three alternatives to implement restoration actions. The Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan also evaluates potential environmental impacts from the alternatives under the National Environmental Policy Act.
View and download the document here: portlandharbor/news/draft- supplemental-restoration-plan- available-comment
As described in the Supplemental Restoration Plan, the Preferred Alternative is the Restoration Bank Credit
Alternative, in which the Trustee Council or a Potentially Responsible Party would purchase ecological benefits, in the form of credits, from a restoration bank. The Trustee Council reserves the option of revisiting restoration conclusions in later phases of the case.
Public comments on the Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan are due by September 14, 2020. Please use the comment form available here and email your comments to
A virtual public meeting will be held on September 1, 2020 at 6 PM Pacific. Register for the webinar at: https://attendee.gotowebinar. com/register/ 5824127794771064077