From US EPA:
EPA is convening a Cathedral Park Project Area Working Group for EPA’s initial sampling work. Please read below for more information!
Working Group Purpose: Discuss community education and engagement opportunities for EPA’s initial sampling work at the Cathedral Park Project Area (planned to start in Spring 2021).
- Background: Per feedback from community members at previous meetings (such as the August 6, 2020 discussion with public agencies on the Cathedral Park Project Area), there was interest in having EPA lead a working group for community members on the initial sampling work that EPA plans to conduct at this project area.
- Time Commitment: The current goal is for this working group to meet once a month for up to 90 minutes, unless the working group deems that no monthly meeting is needed.
Attendees: Focus for community members who have interest in EPA’s initial sampling work for the Cathedral Park Project Area.
- At the March 10th Portland Harbor Collaborative meeting, EPA plans to highlight this working group as part of the Collaborative work.
First Meeting: The first Cathedral Park Project Area Working Group meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, February 24th from 5:30pm – 7:00pm. If you decide to join the Working Group (see below), then you will receive information on how to connect to this virtual meeting!
Proposed Agenda: The general topics for this first working group meeting will include:
- Explanation & Discussion of EPA’s Sampling Goals for the Cathedral Park Project Area (for EPA-led initial sampling work)
- Explanation & Discussion of EPA contracting at the Cathedral Park Project Area (for EPA-led initial sampling work)
- Discussion of Next Steps for this Working Group (schedule March meeting?)
Interested in Joining the Cathedral Park Project Area Working Group? Please contact Laura Knudsen (EPA Community Involvement Coordinator) via e-mail at or by phone/text: 206-643-4299 if you would like to join this Cathedral Park Project Area Working Group! There is no deadline for joining; please feel free to join us anytime!