From US EPA:
Everyone is welcome to join the first quarterly Portland Harbor Collaborative meeting! Please read below for information about how to submit an RSVP for this event (required), a final agenda, and more!
Date: Next Wednesday, March 10th
Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm, with optional activities occurring between 4:30-5pm (for Collaborative members) and 7-8pm (for Collaborative members and non-members/observers)
Location: Online only.
RSVP: To automatically receive webinar connection information, please submit an RSVP as soon as possible at
Note: An RSVP is required to attend the March 10th Collaborative meeting. You will automatically receive an e-mail with webinar connection information from Triangle Associates.
Participation for Members vs. Observers/Public: Please note that while everyone is welcome to attend this meeting, participation will be focused on Collaborative members. Observers/public participants will be asked to stay in listening mode only and will be unable to show video or engage in discussion, other than through the Q&A pod.
- While Collaborative Members commit to review documents, to attend the majority of the meetings and to provide feedback/recommendations to EPA and DEQ as needed, the Observers/Public role in these meetings is to listen, learn, ask questions and provide comments.
- If you are interested in becoming a Collaborative member, please send an e-mail to or call Triangle Associates at 503-891-3262. You may also review the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods Hey Neighbor! Winter 2021 article and the early rough draft Charter document, both developed in collaboration with Portland-area community leaders and members.
Materials: A final agenda is available for the March 10th Portland Harbor Collaborative meeting. Additional materials will be sent out to everyone who has submitted an RSVP in advance of March 10th.
Tips for Joining the Webinar? Limited Internet Access? Need Language Interpretation? If so, in advance of March 10th, please:
- Test your system and connections online in advance at to ensure that you will be able to join us online!
- Let us know if you or someone you know has limited Internet access or may need language interpretation.
If you need assistance with either of the items above, please contact Lucila Gambino (, 786-246-0637) and she will assist you!