The Frog Ferry is an opportunity to put the sparkle back in Portland’s tarnished national image. The Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group hosted a well attended presentation by advocates at their April meeting, now available on YouTube in its entirety. The highly persuasive proposal delivered by the founder of Frog Ferry, Susan Bladholm, outlined plans for a nine stop commuter ferry running up the Willamette River from Vancouver, through downtown Portland and on to the Falls of the River. An initial 70 passenger catamaran will soon pioneer the route with a goal of 1/2 hour service between Cathedral Park and Oregon City for the price of a bus fare. This public-private partnership anticipates operating under the auspices of TriMet management.
The PHCAG enthusiastically endorses this proposal to open our Willamette River to every day adventure. An opportunity to directly witness the ongoing process of the Superfund Cleanup will underscore the value of restoring the health of our river. Ferries full of people will reclaim our river heritage. The frog totem is a contribution of local Chinook culture . The synthesis to “Frog Ferry” brings a smile to the whole concept.
Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group
Michael Pouncil, Chair
Sarah Taylor, Historian
Doug Larson, Treasurer