Please Join Our Virtual CAG Meeting. Wednesday, May 12 At 6:30 p.m. Pacific
Click Here For The Zoom Link
Happy May everyone.
With April showers, we get May flowers, International Labors Day, Cinco De Mayo, and Mothers Day. We also get another opportunity to come together for the Willamette River, Portland Harbor, Cathedral Park and Willamette Cove. We do this in the spirit of reciprocity for the land and water, we do this in acknowledgement of mutual benefit and kinship we have with our ecology.
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***Up coming events *Share and spread the word!!***
Interview with author Jeff Wiltse about his book
“Contested Waters” A social History of Swimming Pools in America.
Join us for a fascinating, under-the-surface view of racism, sexism, and social upheaval in America. Author and history professor Jeff Wiltse will read from his book, “Contested Waters – A Social History of Swimming Pools in America”, a deep dive into the history of public swimming and how it has impacted racial, gender, and social issues for over a century. Professor Wiltse Personal History and NPR Interview.
Sunday, June 6, 2021 AT 6:00 PM PDT –
Zoom Weblink :
Meeting ID: 536 978 0765
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,5369780765# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,5369780765# US (Tacoma)
Hosted by:
*There will be another announcement sent out closer to event date.
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News on the River
Willamette River lovers coming together to make a difference at Cathedral Park Beach. Volunteers removed more that 12 tons of concrete and unsightly rubble from the beach. There will be other opportunities for join in and make a BIG difference at Cathedral Park
See the the KGW News segment here.
Remember, we have a “New” Portland Harbor CAG YouTube page. “Subscribe here” and at the bottom of the email. Now you have access to our monthly virtual meetings, forums, and presentations.
Give the YouTube channel a thumbs up
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Date: Wednesday, May 12 2021
Time: Start at 6:30 pm Pacific
Location: Online Only
• Meeting ID: 961 5978 8335
• One tap mobile: +12532158782,,96159788335# US (Tacoma)
• Have problems signing in? Contact Scott Burr: 503 999 5790
Guest speakers will be:
Laura Knudsen (EPA Community Involvement Coordinator), Annie Kilburg Smith (Director/Facilitator/
Main Topic: Laura, Annie and Lucila will provide a brief overview of EPA’s draft Portland Harbor Story Map that was developed from EPA’s Portland Harbor Community Involvement Plan. They will also facilitate an informal feedback session on the draft Portland Harbor Story Map, with a focus on input from community members.
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make sure we are on your safe send list
…possibly check every 6 months.
Please be safe and lets fight the rapid spread of COVID-19 together.
Wash Hands-Mask-Up-Give Space-Get Vaccinated
In Solidarity,
Portland Harbor CAG
Portland Harbor CAG YouTube
Gain valuable career and leadership experience by volunteering with us. We have a small monthly stipend for Collage and Youth volunteers.
Contact: Michael Pouncil at 503.705.7224