Hello everyone,
Fall is here once again and the welcomed rain has been a relief for so many in the PNW, especially our neighbors in Eastern Washington, Southern Oregon and Northern California. As we search and advocate to find solutions to the problems of the lower Willamette River, we must be aware of the challenges that other parts of the Willamette River face. The upper Willamette River and the ecosystem are threatened by failed measures. It’s time for change, something new and different, please click on the editorial links below and explore some of the new solutions to rescue our river and it’s ecosystems.
Remember, we have a “New” Portland Harbor CAG YouTube page. “Subscribe here”. Now you have access to our monthly virtual meetings, forums, and presentations.
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Tonight we have two exciting presentations from Marj Hogan and Sarah Pearlman. Marj will be introducing us to the Willamette River Advocacy Group (WRAG) and how they are working to spread the word and track the many complicated steps of Portland Harbor Superfund cleanup and the technical jargon that accompanies this arduous process. Sarah will be presenting a summers long project of EJ (environmental justice) score card for Portland’s neighborhood.
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Time: Start at 6:30 pm Pacific
Location: Online Only
Weblink: https://zoom.us/j/96159788335
• Meeting ID: 961 5978 8335
• One tap mobile: +12532158782,,96159788335# US (Tacoma)
• Have problems signing in? Contact Scott Burr: 503 999 5790
Marj Hogan
Marj Hogan (she/her) lives in the Portsmouth neighborhood and teaches Spanish in the Evergreen School District. She has served on the Willamette River Advocacy Group since the organization was founded in 2017 to apply for and oversee the Technical Adviser grant from the EPA.
Sarah Pearlman
Candidate, Masters of Urban and Regional Planning, 2022
Portland State University
Sarah Pearlman is a second year urban planning graduate student at Portland State University. She is passionate about equitable food systems and development. She interned with the Portland Harbor CAG this summer and worked with the Braided River Campaign compiling research into a cohesive guide to environmental injustice in our city.”