Please Join Our Virtual CAG Meeting. Wednesday, January 12, 2022 At 6:30 p.m. Pacific Happy New Year everyone…2022 is here and we are starting the year off with intention to live more sustainably and in harmony with our rivers. How do we bring about this change, you may ask? Well, we’ll be working hard in 2022 to bringing transformative changes through policy, advocacy, Environmental Justice (EJ) literacy walking tours, storytelling, art, community building, strengthening and aligning interest with as many Portlanders, advocacy groups, government agency, and community members as possible. We at PHCAG want a better future for Portland Harbor, the North-reach of the Willamette River and the Columbia River. ——————————————————————————————————— ***News on the River***
***Upcoming Events***
——————————————————————————————————— Start 2022 with Heaps of Willamette River Luck and Love by Remember, we have a Portland Harbor CAG YouTube page. “Subscribe here” and at the bottom of the email. Now you have access to our monthly virtual meetings, forums, and presentations. Give the YouTube channel a thumbs up *** *** *** *** Tonight, we will be having a presentation by John Marshall who comes to us with over a 30-year history of environmental education and natural resource management in the Pacific Northwest. John will share his concerns about the transparency, accountability, and verifiability of mitigation bank credit-debit and performance standard data records for the Portland Harbor mitigation banks. This, of course, is of paramount importance if we are to be able to trust that the Portland Harbor Superfund clean-up is meeting stakeholder expectations. John is actively talking to stakeholders and exploring ideas for improvement. Here is a link to John’s presentation: Portland Harbor Mitigation Banks – Questions on Credit Debits and Performance Standards We’ll also have announcements, updates, and a year in review. Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 John Marshall John has been working in natural resource management for over 25-years for local government, state, and federal agencies and nearly 10-years before that as an environmental educator in state parks, national parks, and outdoor schools. He represented the US Fish and Wildlife Service for over 10-years on the Interagency Review Team for Oregon and SW Washington mitigation and conservation banks. He holds at least three college degrees and is a reasonably intelligent and very likable person. *** *** *** *** Please check your spam and junk mail and make sure we are on your safe send list …possibly check every 6 months. Please be safe and lets fight the rapid spread of COVID-19 together. Wash Hands-Mask-Up-Give Space-Get Vaccinated In Solidarity, Gain valuable career and leadership experience by volunteering with us. We have a small monthly stipend for College and Youth volunteers. Contact: Michael Pouncil at 503.705.7224 |