February is here, love is in the air for our Willamette River. There is so much intent in making sure that The Portland Harbor Superfund cleanup is representative of all of the hard work of our past and present community members. This month we will explore what are the appropriate plants for the Willamette River’s riverbank restoration in Portland Harbor. What kind of riparian habitat, land and associated plants next to river, will impact riparian species and wildlife in general. What tools will could be used to design and foster creativity and innovation while developing an urban river’s edge that improves conditions for fish, wildlife, and people?
This month the Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group is pleased to devote its meeting to the wonderful world of plants and the importance of them in the restoration of the lower Willamette. Our relationship and understanding of native plants help us to restore the essential and integral role of plants in a vibrant river system. We hope that you will relax and enjoy our journey into the plants and plant communities of the river. We are grateful for the outstanding botanists, who have so kindly agreed to share their knowledge with all of you.
We are honored to welcome Greg Archuleta of the Clackamas Chinook, Santiam Kalapuya, and Shasta, and a member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Confederation; Mary Logalbo, Urban Conservationist of the West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District; and Dominic Maze, Biologist & Environmental Regulatory Coordinator with City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services (BES). After their presentation, we will be joined by other notable botanists, working along the lower Willamette to discuss their efforts to restore plant life through a lens of millennia of a once sustainable watershed.
Greg Archuleta
Greg is a Cultural Policy Analyst with the Grand Ronde Tribe. He teaches about the culture and history of the Tribes of Western Oregon, including ethnobotany, carving, cedar hat making, Native art design, and basketry. Greg has worked with Tribal elders, artisans, Confluence Project and many others to share the traditions, culture and history of the tribes that make up the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde. We are grateful for the wisdom and knowledge he brings to our restoration work.
Mary Logalbo
Mary will share with us what West Multnomah SWCD is doing to help restore this important watershed from the forest to the riverbanks. She will also share their new long-term goal to be a part of the many groups working towards the healing of the superfunds in the lower Willamette River. This important resource has helped many homeowners, farmers, and forests to return to their healthy roots.
Dominic Maize
Dominic is a well-respected local botanist that has helped revise the Portland Plant List and coordinate numerous other restoration related projects and policy work within the City and beyond. Find out how the Portland Plant List is used and misused in City regulations and more about local restoration projects and initiatives.