CAG Board Members
Michael Pouncil, Chair
Doug Larson
Sarah Taylor
In Attendance
Madi Novak, Interim Superfund Project Manager
Laura Knudsen, EPA
Dani Jochums, Triangle Associates
Anna Hamilton, Triangle Associates
Sarah Greenfield, ODEQ
Dawn Sanders, BES
Participants: 55
Michael Pouncil, Updates:
The Braided River display continues at the Lloyd Center, Thursdays 11am-4pm.
Also available as a meeting space.
Hunter Young, GASCO: In Situ Stabilization and Solidification Field Pilot Study and a quick update on the Pacific Power Willamette River Crossing at RM11W
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 – Oregon Operations Office
Reducing water quality impacts using a “moon pool”, drilling down 30’ into the sediment. Removed 191 cubic yds of swell material. Will place sampling ports at end of January 2024 to monitor performance of treated material.
In Situ Stabilization and Solidification Field Pilot Study, 9.13.23
Collaborative Group Meeting –
Q&A for Hunter Young
Q: When the auger goes down, mixing grout with sediment how does the swell that is in excess get out without pushing the sediment before it?
A: They go slowly, swell oozes out slowly, allowing changes depending on the swell.
Q: What’s the size of the auger?
A: Two different augers, 4-5’ some are smaller.
Q: Is this on the Superfund site?
A: Yes, right in the middle of the site.
Q: Can you talk about the Willamette River Cable Crossing? Were there any EPA concerns, any preferred process?
A: The contamination goes right through that area. The path forward is complete removal of contaminates. A new cable will be placed under the river, allowing one cable to be shut off for this work.
Willamette River Cable Crossing:
Nancy Hiser with Tank the Tanks presented a slideshow of the Multnomah County Office of Sustainability and the City of Portland Bureau of Emergency Management, who commissioned a study of the Critical Energy Infrastructure (CEI) Hub in Northwest Portland. (503) 713-3448
Impacts of Fuel Releases from the CEI Hub due to a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Febuary 2022
Executive summary
Full Report
New report shows toxic gasses pose grave risks after Cascadia earthquake
Tank the Tanks. The presence of CEI Hub is a major threat in Linnton, Saint Johns and Cathedral Park. No one knows when an earthquake will happen here, we do know that it is predicted to happen, magnitude 8 or 9, shaking for 4-6 minutes. Air quality consequences: toxic air. Impossible to shelter-in-place or to evacuate. This will affect all of Multnomah County, with the greatest impact in Linnton, St Johns, and the Cathedral Park area. 300+ million gallons of flammable fuel, home to more that 25 Hazmat facilities, built on landfill which will liquefy when it’s shaken in an earthquake.
These tanks are located in a highly populated area, near the water. There is also ammonia stored, which can cause bronchitis and emphysema, liquid in lungs, damage to respiratory tract. Also, chlorine storage, which can cause pulmonary edema, bronchial infections. In winter the wind blows northwest, toward Washington. In summer, the wind is blowing southeast, toward Beaverton.
Land Use Planning: what is possible? Upgrade all sites to seismic standards. Keep tanks less than full to prevent dangers from sloshing. Locate chemicals away from water. Ensure that industries can contain these, without depending on public services which may not be available.
Q&A for Nancy Hiser
Q: Can I assume that most, if not all, of the hazmat liquids and gases are flammable and will likely ignite in a high energy earthquake magnifying their lethal effects?
A: There are chemicals that will burn, fumes that will explode. Toxins will be airborne and will form plumes. Burning depends on the crashing situation, could create a spark.
Q: Any lessons relevant to the East Palestine train derailment last summer?
A: The federal government is in charge of trains, which have carte-blanche. As of July, the feds are now involved in community safety, attempting to combine county, state, city and public. Must commit to work with feds jointly on this.
Q: An obvious solution is to relocate the entire facility. Still considered?
A: Has been advocated for a long time. Fuel tanks need a water source and electricity. Deep pockets in industry along with the city’s reluctance are huge obstacles.
Bob Sallinger offered a quick “Consent Decree 101” to help us discern the meaning and so that we provide good comments for the January 28, 2024 comment dead line. These are estimated of restoration value of approximately $33.2 million, require the PRPs to pay cash damages and/or purchase credits in projects to restore salmon and other natural resources. Please review the links above.
The Natural Resource Damage Assessment Process is designed to compensate for some of the lost values due to pollution, mainly focused on natural resources with some loss to recreation, with also a tribal element. About half the money will be spent in Portland Harbor, some to Hayden Island and to the Falls. This is a done deal. PRP’s were required to come up with this decree in order to avoid a law suit. It is not what we hoped for but we’re starting to see something happen. Questions: is this enough? Are they paying their fair share? What if it’s not enough, can we expect the PRP’s to come up with more?
Consent Decree information:
Q&A for Bob Sallinger
Q: The PRPs are paying for mitigation bank credits, right? Not the tax payer? No public money?
A: We’ll be working on this with our lawyer. PRP money is technically public money.
Q: Any sense whether this settlement will have an excess over what the existing banks can sell through credits?
A: There will be enough credits. The money is specific to this site. This is a small piece of the puzzle, there will be a lot more money to come for this.
Q: McCormick and Baxter, when cleanup was finished, were they liable for damages to natural resources?
A: Taxpayers paid $6 million for the cleanup, the site has sat dormant for many years. There is a real concern that this has gone on for too long. The owner is talking about the botanical garden, but that seems unrealistic. The owner controls who buys this property. Portland Riverkeeper made a play for the site, so did Portland Audubon, and there have been others who have all walked away from the table because the owner isn’t coming forward. We need to put pressure on state and federal agencies to settle this and get this property into public use.
Q: Could the Resource Council buy the property?
A: Michael Pouncil: hypothetically, it’s a compelling idea, but is not line with the process so far. The Council isn’t in a position to buy land. My opinion.
Laura Knudson: McCormick has notified EPA and DEQ that he is no longer negotiating with RestoreCap regarding purchase of the property.
Upcoming Events:
Rumble on the River, Wednesday January 31, 6pm.
Multnomah Friends Meeting House, 4312 SE Stark Street, Portland 97215.
Contact: Michael Pouncil at 503.705.7224,
Portland Harbor CAG
Portland Harbor CAG YouTube
Our mailing address is:
Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group
8316 N. Lombard St., PMB #344
Portland, OR 97203
Notes taken by Jane Terzis